Register for an account & fill out your forms here.

*Please note: This option is to save time filling out your forms before arrival. This is not a membership and payment will be due upon entry.

Human's Information:

Please include the name of one additional adult in your household who is authorized to utilize your account.

Pup's Information:

Dog Name Dog Breed Fur Color Dog Weight Vaccine Records Actions
NOTICE: Before entry is allowed, a copy of the dog(s)' vaccination records must be submitted

Release of Liability

In consideration of my participation in this membership and/or my use of Solo's Park & Pub’s premises and facilities, I hereby knowingly and voluntarily acknowledge and assume all risk and responsibility, legally and financially, for any and all potential harm to property, persons or animals, including any property damage or bodily injury that I, my guest(s), my animal(s) (meaning any animal I bring to the premises, regardless of ownership) and my property may sustain while in, on, and around Solo's Park & Pub’s premises and facilities. I hereby agree that I shall release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue Solo's Park & Pub, LLC and all of its members, managers, employees, agents, and other related parties (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and for any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities, injuries, deaths, costs, damages of any kind and nature (including, without limitation, incidental, consequential, and punitive damages), and expenses (including, without limitation, costs of investigation, defense and settlement, and reasonable attorneys’ fees) (collectively, the “Damages”) that arise out of or are otherwise related to my and/or my animal(s)’s participation in, use of, and/or membership at Solo's Park & Pub, regardless of how directly the Damages may relate to such participation/use/membership (the “Release”). This Release includes, but is not limited to, any and all Damages caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Released Parties. I specifically understand and agree that I am releasing, discharging, and waiving any claims or actions, known or unknown, that I may have presently or in the future for the negligent acts and/or other conduct by the Released Parties to the fullest extent of the law. This Release shall not affect my claims for Damages against third parties, meaning those persons outside of the Released Parties. I further agree that I shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Released Parties from any and all Damages that arise out of or are otherwise related to my and/or my animal(s)’s participation in, use of, membership and/or presence at Solo's Park & Pub, including, without limitation, any and all Damages asserted by my guest(s), another patron(s), and any other third party (the “Indemnification”). So long as my animal(s) and/or my guest(s) remain on the Solo's Park & Pub premises and/or facilities, I acknowledge and agree that the Release and Indemnification shall apply with the same force and shall have the same effects as stated above, regardless of my absence from the Solo's Park & Pub premises and/or facilities. I further agree that Solo's Park & Pub, LLC, including any employee, agent, or representative thereof, shall not be considered the “owner” as defined by 4 Okla. Stat. § 44(7) (the “Owner”); I agree that I am the Owner of any animal I bring on to the premises. Any unenforceable portion of this Release and Indemnification shall not affect the validity of any other portion thereof.

Emergency Services

I understand that, in the event an emergency takes place when I am not present to respond, Solo's Park & Pub, LLC will make every attempt to contact me. In the event that I cannot be reached, I authorize and agree to the following:

In the event of my animal’s illness or injury, Solo's Park & Pub, LLC may seek appropriate medical treatment for my animal. I understand that every reasonable effort will be made to take my animal to the vet clinic specified above; however, Solo's Park & Pub, LLC has the authority to seek treatment at any veterinary clinic.

I will reimburse Solo's Park & Pub, LLC for all veterinary fees and costs Solo's Park & Pub, LLC incurs, including costs for reasonable transportation fees and expenses, within 14 days of such services.

The Release of Liability section above shall apply with the same force and effect, even if I am not present. I specifically understand that, according to the Release of Liability section above, I have agreed to release all claims against Solo's Park & Pub, LLC, regardless of my presence on the premises.

Behavioral Profile Form Requirement

If I desire to temporarily leave my animal (meaning any animal I bring to the premises, regardless of ownership) at Solo’s Park & Pub, LLC, I will ask for and complete the Behavior Profile Form. I understand that, depending on my responses, my animal may not be eligible to stay on Solo’s Park & Pub, LLC premises in my absence. I agree to abide by Solo’s Park & Pub, LLC’s determination, at its sole discretion, regarding my animal’s eligibility. I agree that I will not leave my animal unattended (meaning that I personally will not leave my animal) on Solo’s Park & Pub, LLC premises unless I have completed the Behavior Profile Form and Solo’s Park & Pub, LLC determines that my animal is eligible to stay. I further agree that Solo's Park & Pub, LLC, including any employee, agent, or representative thereof, shall not be considered the Owner as defined by 4 Okla. Stat. § 44(7); I agree that I am the Owner of any animal I bring on to the premises.

Photo & Video Release

I hereby grant permission to the rights of my and my pet(s)' image, likeness and sound of my voice, as recorded or photographed while I and/or my pet are present on the premises of Solo's Park & Pub, LLC. I grant the same permissions for any individual for whom I am responsible while at Solo's Park & Pub, LLC. I understand that said images may be edited, copied, published or distributed and waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product associated with said images or recordings. Additionally, I waive any right to compensation arising or related to the use of said images or recordings. I also understand that this material may be used in diverse settings within an unrestricted geographic area. Photographic, audio or video recordings may be used for any social media and/or marketing purpose. I understand this permission signifies that photographic or video recordings of me may be electronically displayed via the Internet, in print, or in any other public form of disbursement for social media and/or marketing purposes. There is no time limit on the validity of this release. This release applies to photographic, audio, and/or video recordings. I understand that, at any time, if I request that a specific image or recording not be used for social media or marketing purposes, Solo's Park & Pub, LLC will do its best to honor that request and, if able, will remove said image or recording from its social media and/or marketing materials.

Solo's Park & Pub Rules

Be friendly! Don’t hound other dogs (or their humans).
All dogs must have membership to enter.
Shed your leash in the enclosed area but wear it on your way in and out of the park.
All dogs must be behaved, friendly, socialized, and comfortable around other dogs and humans in the off-leash area.
Don’t dig or throw dirt on others.
Don’t spread germs. If you are sick, stay home until you feel better.
Scoop your dog’s poo! Dispose of your dog’s waste using the bags provided and the conveniently placed trashcans.
Failure to abide by the Rules may result in ejection from the premises or suspension and/or termination of membership at the sole discretion of Solo's Park & Pub.
Do not leave your dog unsupervised. Maintain sight of your dog at all times.
No outside food, drink, or treats (dog or human).
Do not feed any dogs within the off-leash area.
No outside toys.
No smoking.
No running, shouting, or chasing (humans).
Use of the "small dog area" is for dogs 30 pounds or less and handicapped or elderly dogs, regardless of the size.
No excessive intoxication.
Solo's Park and Pub retains the right to refuse service or ask persons to leave for any reason to the fullest extent of the law.
All handlers must comply with all local and state laws.
Handlers must be at least 18 years old.
Dogs must wear flat buckle or break away collars. Pinch, choke, and shock collars are not allowed.
Female dogs in heat are not permitted on the premises.
No glass.
No excessive barking.
Open one gate at a time, and be sure other dogs don’t enter or exit with you.
Solo's Park & Pub uses a 3-step process in the event of a dog fight:
The dogs will be separated by a Bark Ranger or other staff.
If aggression continues, the "instigating dog" will be sent to the "doggy timeout" area.
If aggression continues, the dog and handler will be asked to leave.
If a human is bit, the dog and handler must leave immediately.
